Decision: Should You Play Well Guarded? TL;DR: Yeah, probably. High-model count warbands, especially those with good movement tricks, gain extra utility from Well Guarded, but it's relatively simple for anyone to score. Factor: Warband Jumping off from our last article , we'll continue to look today at positioning objectives - ie. those that simply require some of your models to be in a specific place to score. With Extreme Flank landing on the restricted list, it's almost certainly worth it to examine some other positioning options. Well Guarded presents one good option for folks who are looking to add more positioning objectives to their deck without dipping further into the restricted list. Of course, the first thing you should consider when deciding whether or not to add Guarded into your deck is how well it works for your warband. Warbands with higher model-counts and higher movement rates will find this objective significantly easier to score than