Unpainted Minis: In Defense of Rebound To paraphrase the greatest rap story-song of 2015, "I'mma say something that you might hate to hear." Rebound is good for the game . We'll give you a minute to rage at your screen and curse our eyes. Ok. Now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about why. The biggest reason Rebound is good for the game is that it provides a universally accessible reaction that punishes attacks. In the brief period where it was banned this kind of reaction simply didn't exist. This erases an entire aspect of the strategy of the game, as it eliminates any kind of risk for attacking. This encourages braindead attacking on every turn, which doesn't make for an interesting game. Rebound also provides a complementary benefit: a universally accessible reaction that can save your guy from imminent doom. With the rotation of S1 universals, we lost not only Rebound but also Last Chance, Soultrap, a...