Decision: Should you play Miraculous Escape? TL;DR: Champions, Farstriders, and Cursebreakers should definitely consider Miraculous Escape for an easy score-immediately objective. Gitz and Nighthaunts also have solid enough defenses to consider it. Finally, Skaven, Reavers, Eyes, and Guard can mitigate the consequences of failure, and may wish to consider adding Escape into their decks - particularly if they are already playing ploys that support it. The rest of the warbands should probably stay away. Factor:Utility The first question we have to ask about Miraculous Escape is whether or not it is worth playing at all . We only get 12 objective slots, and we need to be careful what we put in those slots. Fortunately, the release of the Banned and Restricted List has freed up some space in many objective decks thanks to the restriction of several "auto-include" objectives that were making their way into almost every deck. In particular, the B...