Special: SOS Adepticon 2019 DISCLAIMER: This article is an examination of how the finals of Adepticon would have looked if they had cut to top 2 using a Strength of Schedule ("SOS" from now on) instead of GW's idiotic tiebreaker system ("GWITS"). It is not meant as a condemnation of any player. It is not meant to imply that any player did not deserve their spot in the tournament. It is only meant to point out the failures of GW's system. The best solution to this would be to change the final cut to include all players with perfect match records. There were five of these at Adepticon, so three players who never lost a match didn't even get a chance to play for 1st. The two who did get to play were chosen by GWITS - a system that is deeply flawed in that it rewards players for playing against opponents who are much less successful than they are. SOS, on the other hand, rewards players for playing against stronger opponents, and is widely ...